Member Registration

Membership registration

  • We take the utmost care in handling the personal information you send us on this new member form.
  • The customer information received is for the purpose of replying to the person in question and providing information about their enquiry, and will not be used for any other purpose. For more information, please see the Privacy Policy.
  • Fields marked with * are mandatory. Please fill in all fields.
  • Please use single-byte alphanumeric characters.
*Email address.
*Email address
(for confirmation)
(for verification)
*Your namesurnamename
* Postcode. Example: 123-4567.
*Municipalities E.g. Chuo-ku, Osaka.
** Address. Example: 3-24-555.
Name of building/apartment Room no. E.G. MAIL ORDER BUILDING, 12F, ROOM 1234.
* Telephone number. Example: 06-0000-0000
FAX NUMBER Example: 06-0000-0000